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MCUL Upper Peninsula Chapter
District IV
Michigan Credit Union League
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Yooper Candy Bar Fundraisers

If you would like to purchase Candy Bars from Sayklly’s please contact them at 1-800-248-1635 and ask for Jordyn.

The ASFM Defense Fund is a 501(c)(6), as registered with the IRS. ASFM can accept corporate contributions, and contributions are not deductible for federal income tax purposes.

Selling chocolate in your lobby to members is a great way to raise money for our ASFM Defense Fund, and reach your credit union’s annual ASFM fundraising goals! Credit unions can choose what amount to sell their candy bars for. Remember to remit all funds to ASFM within 30 days of receipt, and to remit all funds received this year by December 31.

When selling candy, credit unions must post a sign indicating that part of the money goes to a ASFM and must also include the necessary legal disclaimer—The ASFM Defense Fund is a 501(c)(6), as registered with the IRS. ASFM can accept corporate contributions, and contributions are not deductible for federal income tax purposes.

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