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MCUL Upper Peninsula Chapter
District IV
Michigan Credit Union League
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Upper Peninsula Chapter Policies

Chapter Executive Committee

The Executive Committee will consist of seven elected officials and the District IV League Director and Alternate Director. The League Representative will be ex-officio at all meetings.

A copy of the MCUL bylaws will be made available to each member of the Executive Committee, who should become familiar with the duties and responsibilities of a chapter leader (outlined in Article 9).

Chapter Elected Positions

Duties of the chapter chairperson:

  • Preside at all meetings of the chapter.
  • Ensure that chapter affairs are conducted and coordinated in accordance with the MCUL Bylaws and parliamentary procedure.
  • Appoint (in consultation with chapter officials) regular committees and special committees that are needed to carry out the functions of the chapter.
  • Appoint a nominating committee.

Duties of the chapter vice chairperson

  • Preside at meetings in the absence of the chapter chairperson.
  • Ensure that chapter affairs are conducted and coordinated in accordance with the MCUL Bylaws and parliamentary procedure in the absence of the chapter chairperson.

Duties of the chapter secretary

  • Prepare and maintain accurate records of all chapter officials and chapter membership meetings.
  • Cause to be prepared proper notice of all regular and special chapter official and chapter membership meetings.
  • Maintain and report all chapter correspondence.
  • Preside at meetings in the absence of the chapter chairperson or chapter vice chairperson.

Duties of the chapter treasurer:

  • Receive and hold funds that may be presented to the chapter.
  • Disburse payment for all invoices upon the direction of the chapter officials.
  • Maintain accurate records of receipts and disbursements and report same at each meeting of the chapter membership.
  • Provide chapter financial statement to the MCUL for filing with IRS.

Executive Committee Expectations

The Chapter will have 9 committees: Annual Meeting, Audit, Budget, Education, Events, Golf, Governmental Affairs, Marketing and Nominating. Each committee chairperson will be appointed by the Chapter Chairperson. The committee chairperson will then establish their own committee members.

Executive Committee members are expected to attend all Executive Committee meetings.  Any committee member that is not able to attend a scheduled meeting should notify the Executive Committee Chairperson in advance.

All member credit unions will be notified of Executive Committee vacancies and given 30 days to submit nominations. The Executive Committee will review nominations and select a replacement at either the next regularly scheduled meeting or a special meeting. In the absence of nominations, the Executive Committee will seek a qualified individual from a member credit union to fill the vacancy.

Committee Chairpersons or Representatives may submit a written report when they are unable to attend an Executive Committee meeting.

Each Committee Chairperson is responsible for notifying their committee members of committee meetings and reporting results from these meetings to the Executive Committee. Each committee will meet at least once a year.

Chapter Annual Meeting (Board of Representatives meeting)

The Annual Meeting committee will organize all facets needed for the annual meeting.

The agenda for the Annual Meeting will be set by the Executive Committee Chairperson. Resolutions should be submitted to the Chairperson at least 60 days prior to the next scheduled Annual Meeting; otherwise, these resolutions will not be considered until the following year. The Executive Committee will secure background information on each resolution before it is voted on.

At the Chapter Annual Meeting, ballots will be distributed, by envelope, to a representative of each registered credit union, who will then be responsible for their votes.

The number of votes should not be disclosed at the time of an election. Any candidate may, at his or her discretion, ask the Nomination Committee Chairperson for the count.

The Executive Committee will hold an organizational meeting after the Chapter Business Meeting to consider any Resolutions of Record and to establish Executive Committee officers. The Chapter Chairperson will communicate to the voting delegate how they should vote on any resolutions at the League Annual Meeting.

League Meetings

The Board of Representatives, at their Annual Meeting, will elect a Chapter Voting Delegate and an Alternate Voting Delegate. Reasonable Delegate and Alternate Delegate League Annual Meeting attendee expenses will be paid out of the Chapter General Fund. Funding should include mileage or air fare (whichever is less), hotel accommodation and full registration (not including optional events). Actual reasonable meal costs, including tips, while in route or while at the event, will be reimbursed. Additional guest expenses are not covered.

Chapter Dues

Dues will be based on a credit union’s gross income with a maximum contribution of $500.00.

Recognition and Awards

If a President/Manager or Executive Committee member retires, the Executive Committee will present the retiree a service award, with the cost not exceeding $150. Each individual is only eligible for one award during their lifetime.

Death notices

If an individual that either held the top management position at a member credit union or that served on the Chapter Executive Committee passes away, the Chapter will either make a $200 donation to the individual’s charity of choice or will send a floral arrangement to the funeral home.


The purpose of Chapter scholarships is to encourage greater participation at Chapter educational functions by employees of credit unions that are financially unable to absorb typical attendance related expenses such as registration, food and lodging. Scholarships up to $100 are available to all affiliated contributing Chapter credit unions with less than $35 million in assets and are limited to one scholarship per credit union per year.  In addition, the UP Annual Meeting registration fee may be waived for two credit union attendees. Corresponding guest registration fees are not included.

The following information should be sent to the Chapter Chairperson at least three weeks prior to the function by the credit union applying:

  • Name of applicant and the position they hold at the credit union
  • A letter signed by the President/Manager stating the program to be attended and the amount of assistance requested
  • The latest financial statement of the credit union
  • A brief statement giving the reason for the scholarship request

The Chapter Chairperson will review submitted applications, notify the Treasurer, upon approval of scholarships and report any scholarships granted at the next scheduled Executive Committee meeting. 


To cover any reimbursable expenses, Committee members are required to submit a completed expense reimbursement form to the Chapter Treasurer in a timely manner. Anyone appointed to serve on a Chapter committee may submit an itemized listing of expenses to the Chapter Treasurer for reimbursement within thirty days from the time the expense is incurred. The Treasurer is authorized to make payments in accordance with the following:


Reimbursement for actual expenses will be made where travel is necessary and authorized for the conduct of “Chapter” business and requires approval by the Treasurer or the Treasurer’s designee.

Personal vehicles may be used for travel with travel being reimbursed at the current IRS rate for mileage.  All drivers must have a valid driver’s license and a properly insured vehicle. For longer trips, reimbursement will also be made for actual coach class airfare by the shortest or least expensive route to and from the point of the business, taxi fare, parking, and incidentals. 


Actual reasonable cost of meals, including tips, will be reimbursed while in route and attending meetings.


Reimbursement will be for the actual cost of the room at the meeting.

Time Limits

Expense reimbursement will be made for the day of the meeting. Reimbursement for staying overnight either the night before or the night of the meeting will be allowed if one-way travel cannot be reasonably completed within the same day.

Expenses Not Allowed

  • Personal entertainment and recreation (bar, golf, etc.)
  • Expenses of anyone other than persons specifically authorized to travel on official business.


The cutoff date specified in Chapter announcements will be strictly enforced with regards to refunds, except in cases of death or illness. The Chapter Treasurer must be notified of any cancellations.

Chapter policies are to be reviewed annually.

The Chapter Chairman is authorized to sign all contracts necessary to meet the business and education programming needs of the Chapter.

A copy of this policy will be sent to all committee members and credit unions.


Annual Meeting Committee

Purpose - To organize all facets of the UP Chapter Annual meeting event each year.

Audit Committee

Purpose – To compare the Treasurer’s records to account statements from the Chapter’s financial institution and to review expenditures paid by the Treasurer for compliance with Chapter policies.

Budget Committee

Purpose – To prepare a budget for the fiscal year based on membership dues.

Education Committee

Purpose - To offer quality educational opportunities for managers, employees, and volunteers of member credit unions.

  • The educational chairperson is authorized to negotiate all contracts with educational vendors.
  • The Education Committee shall solicit nominations for the “Credit Union Person of the Year” and “Distinguished Person of the Year” awards. The Committee will present the Executive Committee with all nominations for these two awards.   The Executive Committee will choose the recipients.
  • The Education Committee shall prepare a chapter calendar with dates for educational programs.


Purpose – To organize Chapter events not specifically assigned to another Chapter committee and to assist other committees with events, as needed.

Golf Committee

Purpose – To organize the annual Chapter golf outing including:

  • Finding a golf course with Chapter Executive Committee approval.
  • Locating an appropriate charity in the Upper Peninsula to receive raised funds with Chapter Executive Committee input and approval.
  • Ordering signs, trophies, and getting hole sponsors, as needed.
  • Finding volunteers to work at the event.

Governmental Affairs

Purpose – To manage Chapter related legislative efforts. This includes:

  • Updating the Executive Committee on relevant legislative changes.
  • Organizing events where credit union representatives are able to meet with local legislators.
  • Encouraging Chapter credit unions to actively participate in legislative fundraising and legislative advocacy efforts.

Marketing Committee

Purpose –  To collaborate with MCUL UP Chapter League representative to encourage chapter credit union participation in the MCUL CU Link Campaign and Credit Union Week. Administer and maintain chapter website.

Nominating Committee

Purpose – To work with MCUL UP Chapter league representative to assist in administration of Executive Committee elections and to secure nominations for all open seats. This includes:

  • Sending notices of all Executive Committee positions up for election to all Chapter credit unions at least 60 days prior to the Chapter Annual Meeting.
  • Gathering information about all nominees
  • Preparing ballots, if needed.
  • Running the election process at the business meeting.

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